ISSN 1843-8520

Vol.17, No. 2, Winter 2023

Issued December 2023

All articles are downloadable

A non-linear and interaction effect analysis of distance and transport accessibility on bicycle use: the example of the University of Lyon (France) ● pp.1-25

by Mehmet Güney Celbiş, University of Lyon, France and UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Nathalie Havet, University of Lyon, Louafi Bouzouina, University of Lyon, France

Unravelling the road safety challenges: A spatial analysis of road fatalities rates ● pp.26-39

by Elena-Maria Prada, Erika MarinMonica RomanBucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania 

A mathematical model for population distribution ● pp. 40-65

by Nicholas EliasDemocritus University of Trace, Greece



Peter Batey, David Plane (Editors), Great Minds in Regional Science (Vol.1)Springer, 2020 ● pp.66-69

by Alina M. Schoenberg, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria